Clearance Warehouse brings you factory direct products at wholesale price


Welcome to a new era of buying online. Guaranteed. We are premier wholesale clearance centre.

Want to experience a whole new way of buying products online for your home or office? How does up to 80% off normal pricing sound? At Clearance Warehouse we are here to provide you massive savings on high quality products. 

How you ask? The answer is simple. As we don’t have a retail shop front, we don’t have the huge expenses that come with running a retail store. Our wholesale factory warehouse is primarily based online meaning our overheads are small and the savings for you are large. With huge quantities of various products stock available, we guarantee you will find something you love, for significantly less than you would find elsewhere.

So if you’re looking for products for you home or office, at up to 80% off what you would pay in retail stores – shop directly online. We look forward to showcasing to you the Clearance Warehouse difference soon.